Together, we can give them hope of an ovarian cancer free future.


A huge amount of work goes into an event like the Adelaide Silver Style, work that is done freely thanks to the generosity of our volunteer committee members.

As a 100% volunteer run organisation, the annual Silver Style event is our lifeblood, and sadly we are unable to hold this year’s event due to COVID-19.


Ovarian Cancer is still with us – and we still need your support to continue to fight this disease.

By making a tax deductible donation to the Letitia Linke Research Foundation Inc, you can help us to continue to fund research into Ovarian Cancer and an early detection test.

Thank you for your continued support and generosity!

Our Story

The Letitia Linke Research Foundation Inc is a South Australian based not for profit charity aimed at increasing awareness of Ovarian Cancer – sometimes called the silent killer. We raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of this insidious disease and our annual event the Adelaide Silver Style raises funds to finance research, to find an early detection test and develop more directed and personalised treatment for women with Ovarian Cancer. Together we can make a difference.

Our vision

A world where an early detection screening test, means early detection and cure for Ovarian Cancer.

Our Mission

To raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer.

To fund research into finding a reliable early detection test for Ovarian Cancer.

To fund research to develop directed, personalised treatment to improve survival rates for women with Ovarian Cancer.